Speak out at Buncombe County Commission Meeting Tuesday July 19th at 5 pm

Do you think reparations should have proper funding???

It’s important that community members have their voices heard, and presence felt, at the next Buncombe County Commision’s meeting, Tuesday, July 19th at 5 pm, 200 College Street in downtown Asheville. 

Buncombe County will be discussing whether reparations should be an ongoing commitment weaved into their budget. 

If you want your voice heard, please note that you have to be in person and sign up at 4:30.

Meetings are televised and can be seen online and on the County Government Channel 192, but you won’t be able to make a public statement.

(Free transportation will be provided by YWCA and Capital Xpress)

Speak out at Buncombe County Commission Meeting Tuesday July 19th at 5 pm

Want a ride to the meeting?

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